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Disc Jockey
A disc jockey is an announcer and 'host' on a musical radio programme who selects the music to be played on the basis of the programme speciality and listeners' tastes.

The disc jockey also comments on the music selected and provides listeners with interesting snippets of information about some of the selections and recording artists involved. The 'DJ' also comments on general matters such as the weather and traffic conditions, gives time-checks and runs station promotions and competitions.

They sometimes interview recording artists and, depending on the structure of the programme, may run phone-in or e-mail requests. Some disc jockeys perform at nightclubs.

Satisfying Aspects
- doing something you really enjoy and being paid for it
- appreciation of audiences
- opportunities to travel
- meeting different kinds of people, either in person or over the telephone

Demanding aspects
- working irregular hours
- intense competition for jobs
- stress of live shows
- fear of getting 'tongue-tied' at the wrong moment

A disc jockey should:
- have a good speaking voice;
- have an excellent command of language;
- have a passion for and an excellent general knowledge of music;
- be sensitive to listeners' tastes;
- have the creative ability to present his programmes in an interesting way.

School Subjects
National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
National Senior Certificate meeting diploma    requirements for a diploma course

Each institution will have its own minimum entry requirements.

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Music, English

Degree: BA Music - US, UP, NMMU, UV, UNISA, UCT, UFS, NWU, RU, Wits.

Diploma: various relevant diplomas are offered at most universities of technology and music colleges.

Formal qualifications are not essential, but preferable as this field is very competitive.

Prospective disc jockeys must compile a demo tape which they must send to various radio stations, whereupon they may be called for an interview.

- Radio stations
- Night clubs and discos
- Self-employment, with enough capital, could start own mobile disco