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Psychometrists are directly involved in psychological testing. They work under the supervision of professional registered psychologists.

Psychometrists carry out testing and initial evaluation of clients by means of psychometric measuring instruments such as aptitude tests, interest questionnaires and personal inventories. They conduct interviews, make summaries of test scores and keep records and statistical information up to date.

These evaluations enable psychologists to select the most suitable procedures for counselling, psychotherapy and job placement for individual clients. Psychometrists may also participate in personnel research projects and in the planning and evaluating of personnel enrichment programmes.

Satisfying Aspects
- working with people from all walks of life
- helping others
- the academic stimulation of the working environment

Demanding aspects
- administrative tasks like filing reports and keeping statistics
- routine group tasks
- always having to work under supervision

A psychometrist should:
- have an interest in people and the human sciences;
- have a rational approach;
- have finely developed powers of observation;
- be able to relate to people in all situations;
- be bilingual;
- have personal qualities such as friendliness, helpfulness, tolerance, tact,
empathy, emotional control, reliability and initiative;
- be responsible;
- be able to organize.

School Subjects
National Senior Certificate meeting degree requirements for a degree course
Each institution will have its own minimum entry requirements.

Compulsory Subjects: None
Recommended Subjects: Mathematics, Languages

Degree: B degree must be obtained with psychology as a major subject.

Postgraduate study: Honours degree in Psychology. In some cases it may also be required to complete an extra practical training course of 6 months.

Psychometrists must register with the Interim National Medical and Dental Council of South Africa after completion of the required training.

- large industrial organisations
- organizations such as Sasol, Eskom, Mittal Steel, Telkom, Transnet, HSRC
- guidance and counselling centres at universities
- professional psychologists in private practice

Psychological Society of South Africa (Pays)
P O Box 66083
Broadway, 2020
Tel: (011) 486-3322 Fax: (011) 486-3266/77

Psychology Association of SA
P O Box 74119
Lynnwood Ridge, 0040
Tel: (012) 807-1740

Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA)
P O Box 205, Pretoria, 0001
Tel: (012) 338-9300
Fax: (012) 328-5120
Tel: (012) 324-1626